Лагерь "Owlcamp" - весна и лето. Бесконечное лето! / Бесконечное лето :: Ru VN (Русскоязычные визуальные новеллы,Отечественные визуальные новеллы) :: Dwarf Fortress :: Визуальные новеллы :: Игры peregarrett(БЛ) :: Игры :: фэндомы

Игры peregarrett(БЛ) Dwarf Fortress Игры Бесконечное лето Ru VN ...Визуальные новеллы фэндомы 

Лагерь "Owlcamp" - весна и лето. Бесконечное лето!

После неудачной торговли с эльфами все поняли, что нет особого смысла рассчитывать на кого-то, кроме себя самих, и с новыми силами принялись за обустройство лагеря. Кирпичный забор на юге дотянулся до берега реки, клубы обзавелись крышей, а также была начата постройка нового жилого квартала - к северу от площади. 
Все мастерские, которые ютились под открытым небом, перенесли внутрь здания, а склады необходимых материалов разместились рядом. Тачки, сколоченные Виолой, существенно убыстрили перенос кусков руды и камня, и вскоре Тиор занялся выплавкой железа.
Лорд наконец-то получил возможность заняться своим собственным делом - учетом, контролем и составлением графика работ, и вскоре на доске объявлений висел разграфленый лист:
 Песчаный карьер 2 чел.   
Деревянные диадемы 30 шт На экспорт 
Деревянные кольца 15 шт На экспорт 
Деревянные амулеты 60 шт  На экспорт 
Деревянные браслеты 45 шт  На экспорт 
Железные кольчуги  45 шт  На экспорт 
Древесный Уголь 20 шт  Если на складе угля < 20 - повторяем
 Дяк 60 шт  На экспорт 
 Добыча глины 20 шт   Если на складе глины < 20 - повторяем
 Варка алкоголя 50 шт  Если осталось < 50 - повторить! 

Лорд был чрезвычайно доволен таким простым, но эффективным способом управления и деловито окрикивал проходящих мимо пионеров
- Эй! Бездельничаешь? Смотри, сколько работы!
Воодушевленные стоящими перед ними задачами, пионеры даже в столовой появлялись только по необходимости. Этим и воспользовалась стая неведомо откуда взявшихся попугаев кеа. Пробравшись сквозь неплотно прикрытую дверь, они кинулись к хранилищу готовой еды, где лежали свежесготовленные запеканки от тети Наташи. Славя, Ольга Дмитриевна и еще одна девушка попытались их остановить...

a	Dwarf Fortress
	Dwarf Fortress
The herbalist punches the kea in the lower body with her left hand, bruising the muscle and bruising the left kidney?
The kea bites the herbalist in the left upper arm, bruising the fat through the <sheep wool cloak>?
'Slavya' Zimkelzaneg, Herbalist: I have a

Но стая была слишком многочисленная. Потеряв всего троих, попугаи вылетели прочь, частично утащив, а частично испортив творения поварихи. Хорошего настроения ей это не прибавило...
В целях пополнения запасов Кабан вызвался на должность рыболова, и специально для него за столовой построили стол для чистки рыбы. Все надеялись, что улов будет достойным - овощная диета уже всем поднадоела, несмотря на качество блюд.
В разгар работы в лагере появилась новая группа пионеров. Суммарное население лагеря доросло до 34 пионеров, причем одна пара оказалась мужем и женой - Анычи, как их немедленно прозвали.

Dwarf Fortress
an22qw' Bomrekurvad, "'an22qw' Whipseal", Bowyer
I "It was raining on me. It makes me so grouchy?"
He is grouchy when caught in the rain. Within the last season, he was blissful after sleeping in a great bedroom. He was annoyed after being accosted by hamsters. He was

Dwarf Fortress
an22-tan' Urollimul
" an22~tan' Closegold", Peasant
I "I've been rained on. So annoying!"
She is annoyed when caught in the rain. Within the last season, she felt satisfied at work. She was blissful after sleeping in a great bedroom. She was annoyed after drinking water

С ростом населения следовало подумать и об обороне. Аныч предложил для начала сделать несколько арбалетов - их можно было использовать как для обороны, так и для охоты, а среди новоприбывших оказалось несколько пионеров с навыками обращения с оружием. Вот только оружия у нас пока нет...
Анычей вы уже видели, а вот еще народ новоприбывший.

Dwarf Fortress
Dastot Kubuksanreb, "Dastot Lanceouns", Furnace Operator
"I've been rained on. That's annoying."
He is annoyed when caught in the rain.
He is a worshipper of Immast Inkedright and a worshipper of Allas the Coasts of Spray.
He has the appearance of somebody that is

Боец на палицах, а по мирной профессии - кастратор. Да, тут есть специальный навык, чтоб контролировать размножение животных!

Dwarf Fortress
Uabôk Nokimelis, "Uabôk Ochrethin", Gelder
"It was raining on me. So exasperating!"
He is exasperated when caught in the rain.
He is a worshipper of The Aquamarine Gate and a worshipper of Hast.
He has the appearance of somebody that is seventy-two years old and is


Dwarf Fortress
fltir Obokthîkut, "fltir Pillarbooks", Miner
"It was raining on me. It's annoying.
He is annoyed when caught in the rain.
He is a worshipper of Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling and an ardent worshipper of Doren.
He has the appearance of somebody that is sixty-five


Dwarf Fortress
Adil âbirimush, "Adil Romanticdikes", Trader
"It was raining on me. I feel so dejected...
He is dejected when caught in the rain.
He is a worshipper of Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling.
He has the appearance of somebody that is seventy-eight years old and is one of the

Кузнец-оружейник, чрезвычайно полезный тип в будущем:

Dwarf Fortress
onul Bisoltosid, "onul Peacearnor", Weaponsmith
"It was raining on me. How annoying!"
He is annoyed when caught in the rain.
He is a worshipper of Odur and an ardent worshipper of Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling.
He has the appearance of somebody that is fifty-six

Углежог, стеклодув и шахтер:

Dwarf Fortress
Doren Zasbisek, "Doyen Crystalveiled", Wood Burner
"I was out in the rain. It makes me so grouchy?"
He is grouchy when caught in the rain.
He is a faithful worshipper of Nethgon and a worshipper of Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling.
He has the appearance of somebody that

Ювелир и кузнец-бронник:

Dwarf Fortress
ezum Zastithleth, "ezum Crystalrumor", Gen Setter
"I was out in the rain. It makes me so grouchy?"
He is grouchy when caught in the rain.
He is a worshipper of Odur and an ardent worshipper of Doren.
He has the appearance of somebody that is eighty-one years old and

Боец с топором, дояр и просто кузнец, без специализации:

"It was raining on me. It's annoying."
He is annoyed when caught in the rain.
He is a dubious worshipper of Doren and a worshipper of Odur.
He has the appearance of somebody that is sixty-six years old and is one of the only ones of his kind.
His	medium-length sideburns are neatly combed.

Копейщица и инженер:

Dwarf Fortress
Unib Lidkosoth, "Unib Tightnesspalace ", Mechanic
"I've been rained on. It makes me so grouchy?"
She is grouchy when caught in the rain.
She is a faithful worshipper of Doren.
She has the appearance of somebody that is seventy-two years old and is one of the only ones of her


Dwarf Fortress
Zuntir Râlukmafol, "Zuntir Hailehamber", Engraver
"I've been rained on. It makes me so grouchy?"
She is grouchy when caught in the rain.
She is a worshipper of Immast Inkedright and a worshipper of Immast Inkedright.
She has the appearance of somebody that is

Просто девушка без определенных умений. Неуклюжая, болезненная, рассеянная и не разбирающаяся в социальных взаимоотношениях. Мечта!

Dwarf Fortress
Olin Thîkutfikod, "Olin Bookglaze", Peasant
"I've been rained on. So exasperating!"
She is exasperated when caught in the rain.
She is a casual worshipper of Isram Ponderedsummers and a casual worshipper of Doren.
She has the appearance of somebody that is sixty-six

Девушка-инженер осадных машин! Будем делать баллисты и катапульты.

Dwarf Fortress
Tekkud Tunroth, "Tekkud Doordomain", Siege Engineer
"It was raining on me. It makes me so grouchy?"
She is grouchy when caught in the rain.
She is a worshipper of Hast and a worshipper of Isram Ponderedsummers.
She has the appearance of somebody	that	is sixty-three

Девушка-углежог, резчица по кости и диагност. Будущий конкурент Виолы

Dwarf Fortress
Dastot onulkun, "Dastot Mirrorcats", Wood Burner
"I was out in the rain. It makes me so grouchy?"
She is grouchy when caught in the rain.
She is a worshipper of Nethgon and a worshipper of Isram Ponderedsummers.
She has the appearance of somebody that is sixty-seoen

a Dwarf Fortress Dwarf Fortress The herbalist punches the kea in the lower body with her left hand, bruising the muscle and bruising the left kidney? The kea bites the herbalist in the left upper arm, bruising the fat through the <sheep wool cloak>? 'Slavya' Zimkelzaneg, Herbalist: I have a part in this. I will take revenge? The kea attacks the herbalist but She jumps away? 'Slavya' Zimkelzaneg, Herbalist: I feel pretty good. *The herbalist stands up. The miner strikes the kea in the left foot with her <steel pick>, tearing apart the skin? The <steel pick> has lodged firmly in the wound? The miner pulls on the embedded <steel pick>. The miner gains possession of the <steel pick>. The miner punches the kea in the head with her right hand and the injured part collapses? fin artery has been opened by the attack? Iden itonathel. Miner: I cannot just stand by. I will take revenge? Iden itonathel. Miner: The battle rages... I laugh in the face of death? The miner stands up. *Iden itonathel. Miner: I should be feeling great. 'OlgaDmitrievna' Edtulkikrost, expedition leader: Has the tide turned? I laugh in the face of death? The expedition leader kicks the kea in the right wing with her right foot and the injured part is smashed into the body, an unrecognizable mass? An artery has been opened by the attack? The expedition leader releases the grip of The expedition leader's left lower arm from The kea's left foot. 'OlgaDmitrievna' Edtiilkikrost, expedition leader: I feel pretty good. *'01gaDmitrievna' Edtulkikrost, expedition leader: I cannot just stand by. I will take revenge? z: Zoom to location Announcement Date: bth Slate, 3
CK Dwarf Fortress an22qw' Bomrekurvad, "'an22qw' Whipseal", Bowyer □ x I "It was raining on me. It makes me so grouchy?" He is grouchy when caught in the rain. Within the last season, he was blissful after sleeping in a great bedroom. He was annoyed after being accosted by hamsters. He was blissful dining in a legendary dining room. He was annoyed after drinking water without a well. He was disgusted drinking nasty water. He felt satisfied at work. He felt enjoyment while performing. He didn't feel anything after seeing a kea die. He didn't feel anything after seeing a kea die. He felt bitter after getting into an argument. I He is married to 'an22-tan' Closegold. He is a worshipper of The Aquamarine Gate and a worshipper of Doren. |u He has the appearance of somebody that is seventy-one years old and is one of the only ones of his kind. His very long sideburns are neatly combed. His medium-length moustache is neatly combed. His very long beard is neatly combed. His hair is clean-shaven. His wide-set narrow emerald eyes are deeply sunken. His nose bridge is convex. His ears are flattened. His broad nose is quite long. His hair is goldenrod. His skin is tan. He is very rarely sick. 'an22qw' Bomrekurvad likes realgar, trifle pewter, yellow zircon, spotted wobbegong leather, war hammers, cavies for their three toes and I lorikeet men for their bright coloration. When possible, he prefers to consume dwarven beer, pearl millet and horned melons. He absolutely I detests hamsters. Im He has an iron will, a great memory, a sharp intellect, a natural inclination toward language, a very good feel for social relationships and a good spatial sense, but he has very bad intuition and a poor kinesthetic sense. Like others in his culture, he holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks, has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, deeply respects those that work hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time and finds nature somewhat disturbing. He personally views the pursuit of knowledge as deeply important, values I eloquence, has a negative view of those who exercise power over others, finds blind honesty foolish and doesn't particularly respect commerce. |u He dreams of making a great discovery. He strongly prefers discussions of ideas and abstract concepts over handling specific practical issues. He would never pass up a chance for a good fistfight. He is quite polite. He is brave in the face of imminent danger. He is assertive. He generally finds himself quite hopeful about the future. He prefers to present himself modestly. He lives a fast-paced life. He occasionally overindulges. He is generally quite confident of his abilities when undertaking specific ventures. He tends to be a bit stubborn in changing his mind about things. He runs his fingers through his hair when he becomes exasperated. He laughs very loudly whenever he's nervous. He needs alcohol to get through the working I day. I Overall, Dodok is unfocused by unmet needs. He is not distracted after being away from people. He is untroubled after staying occupied. He I™ is not distracted after doing nothing creative. He is not distracted after leading an unexciting life. He is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. He is unfocused after being kept from alcohol. He is unfocused after a lack of decent meals. He is unfocused after being unable to fight. He is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. He is not distracted after being unable to argue. He is unfocused after not learning anything. He is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. He is unfocused after a lack of abstract thinking. He is not distracted after being unable to make merry. He is not distracted after being unable to admire art. He is unfocused after being unable to practice a craft. He is unfocused after being away from family. He is unfocused after being away from friends. He is not distracted after being I unable to hear eloquent speech. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. He is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. He is unfocused after being unable to pray to The Aquamarine Gate. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to Doren. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
3 Dwarf Fortress x an22-tan' Urollimul " an22~tan' Closegold", Peasant I "I've been rained on. So annoying!" She is annoyed when caught in the rain. Within the last season, she felt satisfied at work. She was blissful after sleeping in a great bedroom. She was annoyed after drinking water without a well. She didn't feel anything after seeing a kea die. She didn't feel anything after seeing a kea die. She was blissful dining in a legendary dining room. She was disgusted drinking nasty water. She felt satisfied after getting into an argument. I She is married to 'an22qw' Whipseal. She is a casual worshipper of Hast and a faithful worshipper of Doren. |u She has the appearance of somebody that is sixty-eight years old and is one of the only ones of her kind. Her somewhat short ears are flattened. Her nose is quite long. Her head is somewhat short. Her hair is charcoal. Her medium-length hair is tied in a pony tail. Her skin is tan. Her eyes are emerald. Her eyes are slightly wide-set. 'an22-tan' Urollimul likes kimberlite, pig iron, prase, jackal leather, flounder bone, giant brown recluse spider silk, sheep wool, crossbows, floodgates and the words of The Aquamarine of Silk. When possible, she prefers to consume giant gray squirrel, cuttlefish, kaniwa I beer and sliver barb seeds. She absolutely detests rats. I She has a deep well of patience, very good intuition, a feel for music and a good spatial sense, but she has poor analytical abilities, a I Like others in her culture, she has a great deal of respect for the law, values family greatly, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, believes that honesty is a high ideal, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, deeply respects those that work hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time, respects commerce, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. She personally values good craftsdwarfship and doesn't particularly value loyalty. She dreams of raising a family. She is vengeful and never forgets or forgives past grievances. She is completely convinced of her own worthlessness. She does not trust others. She is easily moved to mercy. She occasionally overindulges. She tends to be passive in discussions. She rarely feels discouraged. She I doesn't mind a little tumult and discord in day-to-day living. She has a greedy streak. She is stubborn. She needs alcohol to get through the working day. Overall, Sigun is unfocused by unmet needs. She is not distracted after being away from people. She is unfettered after staying occupied. She is not distracted after doing nothing creative. She is not distracted after leading an unexciting life. She is unfocused after being unable to acquire something. She is unfocused after being kept from alcohol. She is unfocused after a lack of decent meals. She is not distracted after being unable to fight. She is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. She is not distracted after being unable to argue. She is I not distracted after being unable to be extravagant. She is not distracted after not learning anything. She is not distracted after being I unable to help anybody. She is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking. She is not distracted after being unable to make merry. She is I" unfocused after being unable to admire art. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. She is unfocused after being away from family. She is unfocused after being away from friends. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. She is unfocused after being unable to practice a skill. She is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. She is unfocused after being unable to pray to Doren. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
Dwarf Fortress Dastot Kubuksanreb, "Dastot Lanceouns", Furnace Operator □ x "I've been rained on. That's annoying." He is annoyed when caught in the rain. He is a worshipper of Immast Inkedright and a worshipper of Allas the Coasts of Spray. He has the appearance of somebody that is seventy-two years old and is one of the only ones of his kind. His long sideburns are neatly combed. His long moustache is neatly combed. His very long beard is braided. His short hair is neatly combed. His flattened ears have great swinging lobes. His somewhat narrow emerald eyes are deeply sunken. His eyebrows are high. His quite long nose is broad. His head is somewhat short. His hair is burnt umber. His skin is tan. He is agile, but he is very quick to tire. Dastot Kubuksanreb likes puddingstone, platinum, pipe opal, wagon wood, clear glass, leggings, shoes, hatch covers, earrings, hungry heads for their terrifying features, plum trees for their fruit and the sound of The Lavender Poetry. When possible, he prefers to consume cavy and persimmon wine. He absolutely detests slugs. He has a great feel for social relationships and good intuition, but he has a shortage of patience, a little Like others in his culture, he holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks, has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, believes that honesty is a high ideal, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, deeply respects those that work hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, respects commerce, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. He personally treasures leisure time and thinks it is very important in life, finds those that develop skill with weapons and fighting distasteful, values sacrifice and values peace over war. He dreams of mastering a skill. He strongly prefers discussions of ideas and abstract concepts over handling specific practical issues. He has a calm demeanor. He is quick to form negative views about things. He rarely feels discouraged. He tends to avoid any physical confrontations. He tends to be a bit stubborn in changing his mind about things. He tends to be a little tight with resources when working on projects. He begins to talk rapidly when he gets angry. He needs alcohol to get through the working day. Overall, Dastot is untroubled by unmet needs. He is not distracted after being away from people. He is not distracted after being unoccupied. He is not distracted after doing nothing creative. He is not distracted after leading an unexciting life. He is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. He is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. He is not distracted after a lack of decent meals. He is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. He is not distracted after being unable to argue. He is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant. He is not distracted after not learning anything. He is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. He is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking. He is not distracted after being unable to make merry. He is not distracted after being unable to admire art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. He is not distracted after being away from family. He is not distracted after being away from friends. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. He is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to Immast Inkedright. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to Allas the Coasts of Spray. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
CK Dwarf Fortress Uabôk Nokimelis, "Uabôk Ochrethin", Gelder "It was raining on me. So exasperating!" He is exasperated when caught in the rain. He is a worshipper of The Aquamarine Gate and a worshipper of Hast. □ x He has the appearance of somebody that is seventy-two years old and is one of the only ones of his kind. His very long sideburns are neatly combed. His very long moustache is neatly combed. His very long beard is arranged in double braids. His long hair is neatly combed. His flattened short ears have great swinging lobes. His slit emerald eyes are very wide-set. His teeth are gapped. His nose is quite long. His eyebrows are somewhat high. His hair is sepia. His skin is tan. He is indefatigable. Uabok Nokimelis likes chromite, gold, chrysoberyl, clear glass, alpaca wool, the color silver, beds, figurines, turkeys for their wattle and the sound of The Mauve Chants. When possible, he prefers to consume giant slug, tapir cheese and barley wine. He absolutely detests leeches. He has a very good sense of empathy, a very good feel for social relationships, very good intuition and a feel for music, but he has poor analytical abilities, poor focus, poor creativity and a really bad memory. Like others in his culture, he holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks, has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, deeply respects those that work hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time, respects commerce, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. He personally finds blind honesty foolish and sees war as a useful means to an end. He dreams of crafting a masterwork someday. He hates vows, obligations, promises and other binding elements that could restrict his life, though he is conflicted by this for more than one reason. He very rarely develops negative feelings toward things. He has a strong tendency toward privacy. He tends to avoid any physical confrontations, and he works to square this natural tendency with his respect of martial prowess. He is quick to anger. He likes a little excitement now and then. He is quite comfortable with others that have a different appearance or culture. He does not easily fall in love and rarely develops positive sentiments. He can occasionally lose focus on the matter at hand. He needs alcohol to get through the working day. He is getting used to tragedy. Overall, Uabok is untroubled by unmet needs. He is not distracted after being away from people. He is not distracted after being unoccupied. He is not distracted after doing nothing creative. He is not distracted after leading an unexciting life. He is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. He is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. He is not distracted after a lack of decent meals. He is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. He is not distracted after being unable to argue. He is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant. He is not distracted after not learning anything. He is not distracted after being unable to wander. He is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. He is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking. He is not distracted after being unable to make merry. He is not distracted after being unable to admire art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. He is not distracted after being away from family. He is not distracted after being away from friends. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. He is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to The Aquamarine Gate. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to Hast. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
CK Dwarf Fortress fltir Obokthîkut, "fltir Pillarbooks", Miner "It was raining on me. It's annoying. He is annoyed when caught in the rain. He is a worshipper of Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling and an ardent worshipper of Doren. n X He has the appearance of somebody that is sixty-five years old and is one of the only ones of his kind. His medium-length sideburns are neatly combed. His long moustache is neatly combed. His very long beard is arranged in double braids. His hair is clean-shaven. His flattened broad ears have great swinging lobes. His emerald eyes are very wide-set. His nose is quite long. His eyelashes are short. His hair is black. His skin is tan. He is incredibly tough and mighty, but he is slow to heal, quite susceptible to disease and very quick to tire. Atir Obokthikut likes native silver, brass, prase opal, round lime wood wood, the color lemon, shields, gloves, buckets, dogs for their loyalty and the words of The Fragrance of Amethysts. When possible, he prefers to consume gutter cruor and two-grain wheat flour. He absolutely detests large roaches. He has a lot of willpower and a good feel for social relationships, but he has a questionable spatial sense, a Like others in his culture, he holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks, has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, believes that honesty is a high ideal, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, deeply respects those that work hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. He personally values peace over war and doesn't particularly respect commerce. He dreams of creating a great work of art. He doesn't generally think before acting. He likes to present himself boldly, even if it would offend an average sense of modesty. He is confident under pressure. He is slow to anger. He likes a little excitement now and then. He is generally quite confident of his abilities when undertaking specific ventures. He isn't particularly ambitious. He has a tendency toward forming deep emotional bonds with others. He is often cheerful. He is often nervous. He tends to make a small mess with his own possessions. He is curious and eager to learn. He occasionally overindulges. He chews his lips when he's nervous. He needs alcohol to get through the working day. Overall, Atir is untroubled by unmet needs. He is not distracted after being away from people. He is not distracted after being unoccupied. He is not distracted after doing nothing creative. He is not distracted after leading an unexciting life. He is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. He is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. He is not distracted after a lack of decent meals. He is not distracted after being unable to fight. He is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. He is not distracted after being unable to argue. He is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant. He is not distracted after not learning anything. He is not distracted after being unable to wander. He is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. He is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking. He is not distracted after being unable to make merry. He is not distracted after being unable to admire art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. He is not distracted after being away from family. He is not distracted after being away from friends. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. He is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to Doren. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
CK Dwarf Fortress Adil âbirimush, "Adil Romanticdikes", Trader "It was raining on me. I feel so dejected... He is dejected when caught in the rain. He is a worshipper of Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling. □ x He has the appearance of somebody that is seventy-eight years old and is one of the only ones of his kind. His medium-length sideburns are braided. His very long moustache is arranged in double braids. His very long beard is arranged in double braids. His medium-length hair is arranged in double braids. His somewhat short ears are flattened. His quite long nose is broad. His nose bridge is somewhat concave. His eyebrows are somewhat high. His hair is charcoal. His skin is tan. His eyes are emerald. His eyes are slightly wide-set. He is almost never sick and quick to heal, but he is quick to tire. Adil abirimush likes jet, bismuth, bloodstone, red-winged blackbird leather, giant giraffe horn, spears, barrels, crowns, ballista parts, turkeys for their wattle, the sound of The Festive Larks and the sight of The Tulip of Poetry. When possible, he prefers to consume bull shark, banded knifefish and carambola wine. He absolutely detests bats. He has great intuition and the ability to focus, but he has a poor memory. Like others in his culture, he holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks, has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, believes that honesty is a high ideal, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, deeply respects those that work hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time, respects commerce, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. He personally sees artful speech and eloquence as a wasteful form of deliberate deception and treats it as such, believes that perseverance is one of the greatest qualities somebody can have and does not care about friendship. He dreams of crafting a masterwork someday. He is buffeted by others' emotions and can't help but to respond to them. He is greatly pleased by his own looks and accomplishments. He is very greedy. He often feels lustful. He tries to keep his things orderly. He doesn't mind wearing something special now and again. He often feels envious of others. He doesn't handle stress well. He doesn't tend to hold on to grievances. He generally acts impartially and is rarely moved to mercy. He doesn't try to get things done perfectly. He is often cheerful. He tends not to reveal personal information. He often feels discouraged. He is quick to form negative views about things. He needs alcohol to get through the working day. Overall, Adil is unfocused by unmet needs. He is not distracted after being away from people. He is not distracted after being unoccupied. He is not distracted after doing nothing creative. He is not distracted after leading an unexciting life. He is unfocused after being unable to acquire something. He is unfocused after being kept from alcohol. He is not distracted after a lack of decent meals. He is not distracted after being unable to fight. He is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. He is not distracted after being unable to argue. He is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant. He is not distracted after not learning anything. He is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. He is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking. He is not distracted after being unable to make merry. He is not distracted after being unable to admire art. He is unfocused after being unable to practice a craft. He is not distracted after being away from family. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. He is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
CK Dwarf Fortress onul Bisoltosid, "onul Peacearnor", Weaponsmith "It was raining on me. How annoying!" He is annoyed when caught in the rain. He is a worshipper of Odur and an ardent worshipper of Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling. n X He has the appearance of somebody that is fifty-six years old and is one of the only ones of his kind. His medium-length sideburns are neatly combed. His very long moustache is arranged in double braids. His very long beard is braided. His short hair is neatly combed. His great-lobed short ears are very flattened. His slightly wide-set emerald eyes have thin irises. His somewhat long nose is broad. His hair is dark chestnut. His skin is tan. He is quite quick to heal. onul Bisoltosid likes ilmenite, bismuth bronze, milk quartz, the color vermilion, short swords, leather armor, horses for their strength, the sound of The Lavender Poetry and the sight of The Embrace of Saturninity. When possible, he prefers to consume beetle and blackberry wine. He absolutely detests mussels. He has a great affinity for language, an amazing memory, a great feel for social relationships, a natural ability with music, a good spatial sense, a sum of patience and willpower, but he has a meager kinesthetic sense, poor empathy Like others in his culture, he holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks, has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, believes that honesty is a high ideal, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, deeply respects those that work hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time, respects commerce, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. He personally dislikes cooperation and finds maintaining decorum a silly, fumbling waste of time. He dreams of crafting a masterwork someday. He lives at a slow-going and leisurely pace. He is very slow to anger. He is pleased by his own appearance and talents. He tends to make a small mess with his own possessions. He tends not to be swayed by emotional appeals. He tends to ask others for help with difficult decisions. He often acts with compassion. He is curious and eager to learn. He can occasionally lose focus on the matter at hand. He is not particularly interested in what others think of him. He always scratches his head when he's trying to remember something. He needs alcohol to get through the working day. He does not mind being outdoors, at least for a time. Overall, onul is untroubled by unmet needs. He is not distracted after being away from people. He is not distracted after doing nothing creative. He is not distracted after leading an unexciting life. He is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. He is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. He is not distracted after a lack of decent meals. He is not distracted after being unable to fight. He is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. He is not distracted after being unable to argue. He is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant. He is not distracted after not learning anything. He is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. He is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking. He is not distracted after being unoccupied. He is not distracted after being unable to make merry. He is not distracted after being unable to admire art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. He is not distracted after being away from family. He is not distracted after being away from friends. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. He is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to Odur. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
3 Dwarf Fortress □ x Doren Zasbisek, "Doyen Crystalveiled", Wood Burner "I was out in the rain. It makes me so grouchy?" He is grouchy when caught in the rain. He is a faithful worshipper of Nethgon and a worshipper of Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling. He has the appearance of somebody that is sixty years old and is one of the only ones of his kind. His flattened ears have great swinging lobes. His long sideburns are braided. His very long moustache is neatly combed. His very long beard is arranged in double braids. His hair is clean-shaven. His somewhat long nose is broad. His teeth are gapped. His emerald eyes have thin irises. His hair is copper. His skin is tan. He is almost never sick, but he is weak. Doren Zasbisek likes pyrolusite, bismuth, brown jasper, clear glass, kangaroo bone, pig tail fabric, the color copper, picks, gloves, purple yam plants for their tubers, the words of The Aquamarine of Silk and the sound of The Mauve Chants. When possible, he prefers to consume hake, perch, potato plants, tomatillo wine and dwarven wheat flour. He absolutely detests toads. He has a great musical sense, a good feel for social relationships, a good intellect and a good kinesthetic sense. Like others in his culture, he has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, believes that honesty is a high ideal, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, deeply respects those that work hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time, respects commerce, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. He personally doesn't particularly care about craftsdwarfship. He dreams of creating a great work of art. He is not driven and rarely feels the need to pursue even a modest success. He is prone to hatreds and often develops negative feelings. He tends to avoid any physical confrontations, and he works to square this natural tendency with his respect of martial prowess. He thinks he is fairly important in the grand scheme of things. He doesn't often feel envious of others. He tends to assume the worst of two outcomes will be the one that comes to pass. He is curious and eager to learn. He doesn't seek out excitement. He tries to do things correctly each time. He chews his lips when he's nervous. He inhales sharply when he is angry. He needs alcohol to get through the working day. Overall, Doren is untroubled by unmet needs. He is not distracted after being away from people. He is not distracted after being unoccupied. He is not distracted after doing nothing creative. He is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. He is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. He is not distracted after a lack of decent meals. He is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. He is not distracted after being unable to argue. He is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant. He is not distracted after not learning anything. He is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. He is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking. He is not distracted after being unable to make merry. He is not distracted after being unable to admire art. He is not distracted after being away from family. He is not distracted after being away from friends. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. He is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to Nethgon. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
CK Dwarf Fortress ezum Zastithleth, "ezum Crystalrumor", Gen Setter "I was out in the rain. It makes me so grouchy?" □ x He is grouchy when caught in the rain. He is a worshipper of Odur and an ardent worshipper of Doren. He has the appearance of somebody that is eighty-one years old and is one of the only ones of his kind. His medium-length sideburns are neatly combed. His very long moustache is neatly combed. His medium-length beard is neatly combed. His short hair is neatly combed. His very flattened short ears have great swinging lobes. His somewhat narrow emerald eyes are very wide-set. His head is very short. His slightly hooked nose is quite long. He has very low cheekbones. His nose bridge is somewhat concave. His tan skin is slightly wrinkled. His hair is pale brown with a touch of gray. He is very agile and quick to heal, but he is very weak, very quick to tire and very flimsy. ezum Zastithleth likes orthoclase, bismuth, fire opal, clouds, crossbows, helms, animal traps, giant loons for their haunting call, the sound of The Lavender Poetry and the sight of The Embrace of Saturninity. When possible, he prefers to consume flounder, two-humped camel cheese and mango wine. He absolutely detests jumping spiders. He has a great ability to focus, an amazing spatial sense, very good creativity and an ability to read emotions fairly well, but he has little natural inclination toward music and little linguistic ability. Like others in his culture, he holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks, has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, deeply respects those that work hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time, respects commerce, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. He personally sees romance as one of the highest ideals, values honesty, values tranquility and a peaceful day and thinks friendship is important. He dreams of falling in love. He presupposes success in any venture requiring his skills with what could be called blind overconfidence. He is easily moved to mercy. He actively avoids exciting or stressful situations. He rarely looks on others with lust. He is often nervous. He generally acts with a narrow focus on the current activity. He does not easily hate or develop negative feelings. He is often cheerful. He is not inherently proud of his talents and accomplishments. He is assertive. He is somewhat quarrelsome, and he is bothered by this since he values friendship. He doesn't tend to hold on to grievances. He is quite polite. He can handle stress. He likes to keep things practical, without delving too deeply into the abstract. He needs alcohol to get through the working day. Overall, ezum is untroubled by unmet needs. He is not distracted after being away from people. He is not distracted after being unoccupied. He is not distracted after doing nothing creative. He is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. He is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. He is not distracted after a lack of decent meals. He is not distracted after being unable to fight. He is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. He is not distracted after being unable to argue. He is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant. He is not distracted after not learning anything. He is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. He is not distracted after being unable to make merry. He is not distracted after being unable to admire art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. He is not distracted after being away from family. He is not distracted after being away from friends. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. He is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. He is not distracted after being unable to make romance. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to Odur. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to Doren. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
CK "It was raining on me. It's annoying." He is annoyed when caught in the rain. He is a dubious worshipper of Doren and a worshipper of Odur. He has the appearance of somebody that is sixty-six years old and is one of the only ones of his kind. His medium-length sideburns are neatly combed. His very long moustache is arranged in double braids. His medium-length beard is neatly combed. His very long hair is neatly combed. His flattened ears have great swinging lobes. His slightly sunken emerald eyes are narrow. His head is very short. His nose is quite long. His hair is pale brown. His skin is tan. He is quite durable. Zaneg Lisidsazir likes graphite, brass, smoky quartz, papaya wood wood, elk antler, spears, shields, the words of The Justice of Dawn, the sound of The Amethyst Tongs and the sight of The Tulip of Poetry. When possible, he prefers to consume giant bushtit, plump helmets and finger millet beer. He absolutely detests toads. He has a great sense of empathy, great intuition, good creativity and a sum of patience, but he has a questionable Like others in his culture, he holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks, has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, believes that honesty is a high ideal, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, deeply respects those that work hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time, respects commerce, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. He personally thinks it is of the utmost importance to present a bold face and never grouse, complain or even show emotion, doesn't respect a society that has settled into harmony without debate and strife and finds artwork boring. He dreams of raising a family. He only rarely feels strong cravings or urges. He can be very single-minded. He does not often feel lustful. He doesn't mind a little tumult and discord in day-to-day living. He tends not to be swayed by emotional appeals. He finds obligations confining, though he is conflicted by this for more than one reason. He tries to do things correctly each time. He is quite polite. He is somewhat uncomfortable around those that appear unusual or live differently from himself. He finds helping others emotionally rewarding. He often feels discouraged. He has a tendency toward forming deep emotional bonds with others. He needs alcohol to get through the working day. He does not mind being outdoors, at least for a time. Overall, Zaneg is untroubled by unmet needs. He is not distracted after being away from people. He is not distracted after being unoccupied. He is not distracted after doing nothing creative. He is not distracted after leading an unexciting life. He is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. He is not distracted after being unable to fight. He is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. He is not distracted after being unable to argue. He is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant. He is not distracted after not learning anything. He is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. He is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking. He is not distracted after being unable to make merry. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. He is not distracted after being away from family. He is not distracted after being away from friends. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. He is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. He is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to Odur. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
3 Dwarf Fortress Unib Lidkosoth, "Unib Tightnesspalace ", Mechanic "I've been rained on. It makes me so grouchy?" She is grouchy when caught in the rain. She is a faithful worshipper of Doren. She has the appearance of somebody that is seventy-two years old and is one of the only ones of her kind. Her very flattened ears have great swinging lobes. Her somewhat long upturned nose is extraordinarily broad. Her eyebrows are high. Her very long hair is arranged in double braids. Her head is very short. Her eyelashes are extremely short. Her hair is dark tan. Her skin is tan. Her eyes are emerald. She is indefatigable and agile, but she is slow to heal. Unib Lidkosoth likes native copper, steel, amethyst, lychee wood wood, coati leather, picks, splints, goats for their eating habits and bark scorpions for their stinging tail. When possible, she prefers to consume sweet potato plants and durian wine. She absolutely detests oysters. She has a way with words, but she has an iffy sense for music. Like others in her culture, she holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks, has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, deeply respects those that work hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time, respects commerce, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. She personally sees family as one of the most important things in life and finds blind honesty foolish. She dreams of raising a family. She has a calm demeanor. She is somewhat quarrelsome, and she is bothered by this since she values friendship. She doesn't tend to hold on to grievances. She does not have a great aesthetic sensitivity, and she is conflicted by this as she values artwork and its creation. She is quick to form negative views about things. She doesn't handle stress well. She prefers to present herself modestly. She is stubborn. She has a sense of duty. She likes a little excitement now and then. She has a greedy streak. She has little interest in joking around. She needs alcohol to get through the working day. She is getting used to tragedy. Overall, Unib is unfocused by unmet needs. She is not distracted after being away from people. She is not distracted after being unoccupied. She is not distracted after leading an unexciting life. She is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. She is unfocused after being kept from alcohol. She is not distracted after a lack of decent meals. She is not distracted after being unable to fight. She is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. She is not distracted after being unable to argue. She is not distracted after not learning anything. She is not distracted after being unable to wander. She is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. She is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking. She is not distracted after being unable to make merry. She is not distracted after being unable to admire art. She is unfocused after being unable to practice a craft. She is unfocused after being away from family. She is not distracted after being away from friends. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. She is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. She is not distracted after being unable to pray to Doren. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
CK Dwarf Fortress Zuntir Râlukmafol, "Zuntir Hailehamber", Engraver "I've been rained on. It makes me so grouchy?" She is grouchy when caught in the rain. She is a worshipper of Immast Inkedright and a worshipper of Immast Inkedright. □ x She has the appearance of somebody that is sixty-three years old and is one of the only ones of her kind. Her flattened short ears have great swinging lobes. Her emerald eyes are narrow. Her very long hair is tied in a pony tail. Her eyebrows are low. Her quite long nose is broad. Her eyelashes are short. Her head is somewhat short. Her hair is buff. Her skin is tan. She is tough, but she is very slow to heal. Zuntir Ralukmafol likes kaolinite, trifle pewter, brown zircon, the color tan, gloves, querns, crowns, large, serrated discs, koalas for their adorable appearance and the words of The Fish of Lobsters. When possible, she prefers to consume lion, nautilus and sorghum beer. She absolutely detests oysters. She has an iron will and a great kinesthetic sense, but she has little linguistic ability, poor spatial senses and Like others in her culture, she has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, believes that honesty is a high ideal, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, deeply respects those that work hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time, respects commerce, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. She personally can't fathom why anyone would want to live in an orderly and harmonious society, considers craftsdwarfship to be relatively worthless and values sacrifice. She dreams of creating a great work of art. She is very trusting. She takes offered help and gifts without feeling particularly grateful. She doesn't try to get things done perfectly. She likes to take it easy. She prefers that everyone live as harmoniously as possible, though she is troubled by her own nature as she prefers discord and debate at a more abstract level. She is somewhat quarrelsome, and she is bothered by this since she values friendship. She is quite comfortable with others that have a different appearance or culture. She can handle stress. She does not often feel lustful. She prefers to present herself modestly. She needs alcohol to get through the working day. Overall, Zuntir is untroubled by unmet needs. She is not distracted after being away from people. She is not distracted after doing nothing creative. She is not distracted after leading an unexciting life. She is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. She is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. She is not distracted after a lack of decent meals. She is not distracted after being unable to fight. She is not distracted after being unable to argue. She is not distracted after not learning anything. She is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. She is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking. She is not distracted after being unoccupied. She is not distracted after being unable to make merry. She is not distracted after being unable to admire art. She is not distracted after being away from family. She is not distracted after being away from friends. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. She is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. She is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. She is not distracted after being unable to pray to Immast Inkedright. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
CK Dwarf Fortress Olin Thîkutfikod, "Olin Bookglaze", Peasant "I've been rained on. So exasperating!" She is exasperated when caught in the rain. She is a casual worshipper of Isram Ponderedsummers and a casual worshipper of Doren. □ x She has the appearance of somebody that is sixty-six years old and is one of the only ones of her kind. Her very long hair is tied in a pony tail. Her flattened broad ears have great swinging lobes. Her nose is quite long. Her eyebrows are slightly low. Her hair is sepia. Her skin is tan. Her eyes are emerald. Her nose bridge is somewhat concave. Olin Thikutfikod likes gabbro, copper, fire agate, gems, scepters, animal traps, rabbits for their ability to burrow, giant toads for their beauty, the sound of The Mellow Butterfly and the sight of The Bride of Couples. When possible, she prefers to consume foxtail millet beer. She absolutely detests fire snakes. Like others in her culture, she holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks, greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, believes that honesty is a high ideal, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time, respects commerce, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. She personally doesn't feel strongly about the law and doesn't really see the point of working hard. She dreams of raising a family. She tends to ask others for help with difficult decisions. She has a greedy streak. She tends to be a little wasteful when working on projects. She is quick to anger. She occasionally overindulges. She has a noticeable lack of perseverance. She tends to think before acting. She could be considered rude. She can handle stress. She takes offered help and gifts without feeling particularly grateful. She generally acts impartially and is rarely moved to mercy. She needs alcohol to get through the working day. Overall, Olin is untroubled by unmet needs. She is not distracted after being away from people. She is not distracted after being unoccupied. She is not distracted after doing nothing creative. She is not distracted after leading an unexciting life. She is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. She is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. She is not distracted after a lack of decent meals. She is not distracted after being unable to fight. She is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. She is not distracted after being unable to argue. She is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant. She is not distracted after not learning anything. She is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. She is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking. She is not distracted after being unable to make merry. She is not distracted after being unable to admire art. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. She is not distracted after being away from family. She is not distracted after being away from friends. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. She is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
CK Dwarf Fortress Tekkud Tunroth, "Tekkud Doordomain", Siege Engineer "It was raining on me. It makes me so grouchy?" She is grouchy when caught in the rain. She is a worshipper of Hast and a worshipper of Isram Ponderedsummers. □ x She has the appearance of somebody that is sixty-three years old and is one of the only ones of her kind. She has a jutting chin. Her hair is clean-shaven. Her nose is quite long. Her somewhat broad ears are flattened. Her hair is auburn. Her skin is tan. Her eyes are emerald. She is almost never sick, but she is clumsy, flimsy and very quick to tire. Tekkud Tunroth likes gneiss, bismuth bronze, lapis lazuli, oriole bone, the color mauve, maces, mail shirts, earrings, llamas for their long necks and pond grabbers for their patience. When possible, she prefers to consume char and white millet beer. She absolutely detests snails. She has an iron will, very good intuition and good creativity, but she has poor spatial senses. Like others in her culture, she holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks, has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, believes that honesty is a high ideal, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, deeply respects those that work hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time, respects commerce, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. She personally finds sacrifice to be the height of folly, thinks friendship is important and finds the ideas of independence and freedom somewhat foolish. She dreams of mastering a skill. She is as avaricious as they come, obsessed with acquiring wealth. She is incurious and never seeks out knowledge or information to satisfy herself. She is incredibly brave in the face of looming danger, perhaps a bit foolhardy. She relies on the advice of others during decision making. She is stingy with resources on projects and refuses to expend any extra effort. She is quick to form negative views about things. She has a noticeable lack of perseverance. She does not have a great aesthetic sensitivity, and she is conflicted by this as she values artwork and its creation. She doesn't mind wearing something special now and again. She is slow to trust others. She generally acts with a narrow focus on the current activity. She occasionally overindulges. She is very humble. She likes a little excitement now and then. She can handle stress. When she's thinking, she has a tendency to chew on her cheek. She becomes very rigid when she's angry. She needs alcohol to get through the working day. Overall, Tekkud is untroubled by unmet needs. She is not distracted after being away from people. She is not distracted after being unoccupied. She is not distracted after leading an unexciting life. She is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. She is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. She is not distracted after a lack of decent meals. She is not distracted after being unable to fight. She is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. She is not distracted after being unable to argue. She is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant. She is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. She is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking. She is not distracted after being unable to make merry. She is not distracted after being unable to admire art. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. She is not distracted after not learning anything. She is not distracted after being away from family. She is not distracted after being away from friends. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. She is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. She is not distracted after being unable to pray to Hast. She is not distracted after being unable to pray to Isram Ponderedsummers. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
CK Dwarf Fortress Dastot onulkun, "Dastot Mirrorcats", Wood Burner "I was out in the rain. It makes me so grouchy?" She is grouchy when caught in the rain. She is a worshipper of Nethgon and a worshipper of Isram Ponderedsummers. □ x She has the appearance of somebody that is sixty-seoen years old and is one of the only ones of her kind. Her flattened short ears have great swinging lobes. Her thin-irised emerald eyes are deeply sunken. She has a grating, raspy voice. Her head is very short. Her lips are very thin. Her nose is somewhat long. Her hair is pale taupe. Her medium-length hair is neatly combed. Her skin is tan. She is incredibly quick to heal, but she is very flimsy. Dastot onulkun likes saltpeter, electrum, fire agate, green glass, giant otter leather, giant oriole bone, helms, ballista parts and cats for their aloofness. When possible, she prefers to consume seahorse and teff beer. She absolutely detests rats. She has a deep well of patience, a great sense of empathy and the ability to focus, but she has meager creativity Like others in her culture, she holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks, has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, believes that honesty is a high ideal, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time, respects commerce, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. She personally prefers a noisy, bustling life to boring days without activity, is put off by family, values cunning, does not care about fairness and doesn't really see the point of working hard. She dreams of mastering a skill. She is prone to strong feelings of jealousy. She doesn't stick with things if even minor difficulties arise. She dislikes obligations and will try to avoid being bound by them, though she is conflicted by this for more than one reason. She sometimes acts with little determination and confidence. She tends to ask others for help with difficult decisions. She tends to share her own experiences and thoughts with others. She has a greedy streak. She is curious and eager to learn. She lives a fast-paced life. She generally finds herself quite hopeful about the future. She needs alcohol to get through the working day. Overall, Dastot is untroubled by unmet needs. She is not distracted after being away from people. She is not distracted after being unoccupied. She is not distracted after doing nothing creative. She is not distracted after leading an unexciting life. She is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. She is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. She is not distracted after a lack of decent meals. She is not distracted after being unable to fight. She is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. She is not distracted after being unable to argue. She is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant. She is not distracted after not learning anything. She is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. She is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking. She is not distracted after being unable to make merry. She is not distracted after being unable to admire art. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. She is not distracted after being away from friends. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. She is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. She is not distracted after being unable to pray to Nethgon. She is not distracted after being unable to pray to Isram Ponderedsummers. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
Игры peregarrett(БЛ),Визуальные новеллы,фэндомы,Dwarf Fortress,Игры,Бесконечное лето,Ru VN,Русскоязычные визуальные новеллы,Отечественные визуальные новеллы
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- ° к
10th Limestone, 2
Digging designation cancelled: damp stone located.
You have struck magnetite?
'DeadRaTT' Othmeng, Uoodcrafter cancels Construct Building: Item blocking site.
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'Uiola' Uodstinthad, chief med

Игры peregarrett(БЛ) Визуальные новеллы фэндомы Бесконечное лето Ru VN,Русскоязычные визуальные новеллы,Отечественные визуальные новеллы Dwarf Fortress Игры

Dwarf Fortress Dwarf Fortress - ° к 10th Limestone, 2 Digging designation cancelled: damp stone located. You have struck magnetite? 'DeadRaTT' Othmeng, Uoodcrafter cancels Construct Building: Item blocking site. The dwarves suspended the construction of Floor. 'Uiola' Uodstinthad, chief med
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'LordOfD0TA2' amidtekkud, Administrator cancels Construct Building: Could not find path.
The dwarves suspended the construction of Floor.
'Slavya' Zimkelzaneg has become a Herbalist.
'LordOfD0TA2* amidtekkud, Administrator cancels Give Water: Need empty bu

Игры peregarrett(БЛ) Визуальные новеллы фэндомы Dwarf Fortress Игры Бесконечное лето Ru VN,Русскоязычные визуальные новеллы,Отечественные визуальные новеллы

Dwarf Fortress Dwarf Fortress CE 'LordOfD0TA2' amidtekkud, Administrator cancels Construct Building: Could not find path. The dwarves suspended the construction of Floor. 'Slavya' Zimkelzaneg has become a Herbalist. 'LordOfD0TA2* amidtekkud, Administrator cancels Give Water: Need empty bu
Dwarf Fortress
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Dwarf Fortress
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