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!№~'<5N5£4 _WI>en ЛЗД>а waa young. tf>e fionako decided to lock her up in а ЫвЬ tower in caee ebe triedto run away. Clje tower l>ad no door or ataircaae. but П>Ц>а ivae quite b°PPV UP 4>ore aa al>e could ait at tf>e window watd>mg tf>e nfe of tip foreet and talking to tf>e birda €acl) day. fianako came to aee !>cr. bringing freaf) food. W>e would atand at tt>e bottom of tl>e tower and call out. 'flWKeba ПХв1>а. kt down your drikd Ijair.' 7t>ial>a. wl)c*ac long pink boir waa plaited, would twiat it round one of tlje bare and drop it out of the window, and fianako would climb up it. When abe left. ТбМуа would let down I>er drffla again, and tbe witci> would elide nimbly down to фе ground. fie ran towarde Ijcr. calling l>cr name, however-
Визуальные новеллы,фэндомы,Katawa Shoujo,Foreign VN,Зарубежные VN,Shiina Mikado,Hanako Ikezawa,Kenji Seto,VN комиксы,удалённое
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