Green Green 3 Graduation Mix,Film & Animation,Green,Green-Green,Martini,Presents,Ecchi,Game,Graduation,Mix,Nana,Yusuke,Futaba,Anime,Trailer,Opening,READ THIS PLEASE!! (FAQ) 1)There is no ENGLISH VERSION of this GAME 2) I'm not helping anyone to get this game ;p - if you want it... buy it 3)About Futaba getting married - it's only an option (you can choose to be with other female characters) 4) This is from third Green Green GAME (not anime etc.) 5)There is no (and probably won't be :C) second season of green green anime ( =C ) If you have other questions...just ask in comment ^^ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for all comments, rates, subscriptions. I really appreciate that!!!
Green Green,Foreign VN,Зарубежные VN,Визуальные новеллы,фэндомы,Green Green 3,Green Green 3 ~Hello, Goodbye~,Music&Video VN,Спойлер (vn)
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