Лагерь "Owlcamp" - только прибыли! / Коллективное творчество(БЛ) :: Бесконечное лето :: Ru VN (Русскоязычные визуальные новеллы,Отечественные визуальные новеллы) :: Dwarf Fortress :: Визуальные новеллы :: Игры peregarrett(БЛ) :: Игры :: фэндомы

Бесконечное лето Ru VN Dwarf Fortress Игры Коллективное творчество(БЛ) Игры peregarrett(БЛ) ...Визуальные новеллы фэндомы 

Лагерь "Owlcamp" - только прибыли!

- Отряд! Стройся! 

Голос Ольги Дмитриевны разбудил всех, кто пытался чуть-чуть подремать под скрип колес фургона. Зевая и ворча по поводу плохой погоды, поселенцы выбрались из-под тряпичной крыши и выжидательно уставились на своего лидера.

 - Товарищи пионеры! Нам поручена большая и ответственная работа - построить Лагерь Социалистического Отдыха, и располагаться этот лагерь будет именно здесь! Посмотрите, ну разве не чудесное место?

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Что такого чудесного в этом месте - было неизвестно, но никто не решился задать этот вопрос. Долина реки, название которой никто не помнил, густо поросла лесом, сама река была частично покрыта льдом. 

- Ну, раз вы так говорите... Где копать? - Тиор полез в повозку в поисках своей кирки.

** С
Dwarf Fortress
Dwarf Fortress
Citizens <7> Pets/Liuestock <6) Others <4>
Tior* Rathfeb, Miner
Slauya' Zimkelzaneg, Farmer 'Elektronik' ezumlumash. Mechanic
'LordOfD0TA2* amidtekkud, Administrator ' Uio la* Uodstinthad. Doctor
' OlgaDmitrievna* Edtulkikrost, expedition leai 'Miku'

- Вот, видите, какая пионерская готовность помочь товарищам! Поработать на благо всех! Нет, пока копать не надо.

- А где у нас стол и стул? - пионер со странным прозвищем "Лорд Доты2" вылез вперед. - Мне надо кое-что записать, и спланировать стратегию развития лагеря на ближайшие пару месяцев.

- А, стол? Вот он. - Ольга указала на ближайшее дерево. - А так же стул, кровать, двери и прочие предметы мебели.

- Мы что, ничего не взяли?!

- Взяли, только самое необходимое. Инструменты, необработанную руду чтоб выплавить здесь, выделанную кожу для одежды и прочих надобностей, семена для рассады, ну и припасы на первое время. Так что, товарищ Лорд, берите топор и отправляйтесь валить лес!

- А я посмотрю, какие съедобные растения тут можно собрать. - Вызвалась Славяна. - И овечкам надо пастбище выделить, чтоб они не разбредались. И буйволам - они устали повозку тащить, бедные, пусть попасутся пока.

- Найдешь какие-нибудь фрукты - покажи мне. - Оживилась Виола. - Посмотрим, получится ли сделать из них какой-нибудь алкоголь. 

- Алкгоголь?! Виола, ты сошла с ума? 

- Расслабься, Оленька. Мы все совершеннолетние, или ты дисклеймер не читала? Кстати, мне будут нужны бочки, или еще какая-нибудь емкость. 

- А давайте устроим праздник? По поводу прибытия, можно будет петь, и играть на инструментах, и танцевать, и читать стихи, будет очень весело, мне так скучно было просто ехать, а теперь раз мы приехали то можно же и порадоваться да?

- Мику! Сначала работа, а веселье потом. Найди себе дело какое-нибудь. Электроник, а тебе придется освоить ремесло углежога и помочь Тиору выплавить всю эту руду, что мы привезли.

Электроник ничего не сказал, лишь устало вздохнул. 

- Ну, раз все знают, что им делать - за работу!

- Ольга Дмитриевна, а как будет называться наш лагерь?

- Разумеется, Совёнок!

Dwarf Fortress
utpost Ritasoai
ftninals Kitchen Stone Stocks
Created Wealth:	Population:	7	
Vou need a broker with	Miners	0	1
the appraisal skill.	Woodworkers	0	None
	Stoneworkers	0	None
	Rangers	0	None
Trade Information:	Metalsmiths	0	None
Vou need a broker with	Jewelers	0

Выбор места и распределение навыков занял уж очень много времени, поэтому не успел ничего сделать. Вот пока состав экспедиции:
Ольга Дмитриевна, лидер, мастер убеждения

Dwarf Fortress
expdtn ldr
’'I've been rained on. So annoying!*'
She is annoyed when caught in the rain.
She is a worshipper of Nethgon.
I She has the appearance of somebody that is seventy-four years old and is one of

Виола, доктор, санитар и пивовар:

Dwarf Fortress
_ п
Uiola' Uodstinthad, ” Uiola' Soundtheaters ”, Doctor
”1 was out in the rain. That's annoying.”
She is annoyed when caught in the rain.
She is a worshipper of Isram Ponderedsummers.
I She has the appearance of	somebody	that is eighty-six years old and is one of the

Славя, повар, огородник и собиратель, еще и за животными наблюдает

Dwarf Fortress
Slavya' Zimkelzane
Slavya' Plainsrelics”, Farmer
"I was out in the rain. I'm annoyed.”
She is annoyed when caught in the rain.
She is a dubious worshipper of Isram Ponderedsummers.
I She has the appearance of somebody that is eighty-five years old and is one of the

Электроник, инженер и архитектор

Dwarf Fortress
ezumlumash, "'Elektronik'
"It was raining on me. How annoying!”
He is annoyed when caught in the rain.
He is a worshipper of Kast.
I He has the appearance of somebody that is fifty-three years old and is one of the only ones of his kind.
His very long sideburns

Мику, музыкант, без полезных навыков. И блондинка.

Dwarf Fortress
Miku' Shodukfikod.
"'Mika' Diueglazes",
”1 was out in the rain. That's annoying.
She is annoyed when caught in the rain. She is a faithful worshipper of Kast.
I She has the appearance of somebody that is fifty-four years old and is one of the only ones of her

Тиор, шахтер-литейщик, как заказывали

Dwarf Fortress
Rathfeb, ”'Tior' Templearrow",
’'I've been rained on. So annoying!*'
He is annoyed when caught in the rain.
He is a dubious worshipper of The Love of Tenderness.
He has the appearance of somebody that is eighty-one years old and is one of the only ones of

Лорд оф Дота2, специализируется на поддержании порядка. Делать ничего не умеет, но это мы исправим!

''I've been rained on. How annoying?''
He is annoyed when caught in the rain.
He is a worshipper of Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling.
I He has the appearance of	somebody that is sixty-seven years old and is one of the only ones of	his kind.
His very long sideburns	are neatly combed. His very

И еще один баран, три овцы, и два буйвола - самец и самка. Будем прясть пряжу и  шить одежду.

Ожидают появления - Bernad и DeadRaTT, ждем прихода новых пионеров.

*0{}0* Ъ-0-fc Ш........АЛ "алаа-ллаа'« кААъгАААОАА <АА* ,/"А, й > г * 'X II ъ II «г * *. ,0 < > ^ 1 1 #1 и < * ^ <0«» -' II # Д1И1Я faff m Е5 УЛУг -1 *- >- $ вшт! н 9 Якл дош Is ■КяЫА|ш ВШХДш giyCnii Hnui 1 Ц ”«ИН| ЯК нвшВя га MjMwivmnHiiiw ^ * » f # г МКЛШ ) € € \ II # # \ \ г II г г II > > г t f а 1 Ш щн ЕЖ < гг « г II г #11 Г #11 г \ г # II II < в ДА 1 ff'.’ija Щ w-w* £ £ £ £ 1 • :й: 1Й-0-Й: • 1 • |*:&о{}о* •<M*!*-0|fc --O-i ‘-ЖЖЖ 1!.:-*й ■ ;,■ ,*С т‘-к ик " .“А “, •, * •'а II ч ^ "|.Т шш ' ,*%й , ,**▼ ГТЛ'/ЗЙ' # * f f # т| г"--ттт w Fv VVT^Svvi т! тттттШ Рк RWH пВИ ИрЩШ ttpt МШИМ ивв |р0кМвВ£У Щ^ЖмиЧьЛр [Ян В к*]
** С Dwarf Fortress Dwarf Fortress Citizens <7> Pets/Liuestock <6) Others <4> Tior* Rathfeb, Miner Slauya' Zimkelzaneg, Farmer 'Elektronik' ezumlumash. Mechanic 'LordOfD0TA2* amidtekkud, Administrator ' Uio la* Uodstinthad. Doctor ' OlgaDmitrievna* Edtulkikrost, expedition leai 'Miku' Shodukfikod, Peasant Dead/Missing <0> Pickup Equipment No Job No Job No Job No Job No Job No Job : Uiew Unit z: Go to Unit b: Go to Bid m: Manager x: Remove Worker : Set Job Repeat j: Uiew Job s: Suspend Job c: Cancel Job -
d Dwarf Fortress utpost Ritasoai ЯИЕШЖЕГЗ ftninals Kitchen Stone Stocks Created Wealth: Population: 7 Vou need a broker with Miners 0 1 the appraisal skill. Woodworkers 0 None Stoneworkers 0 None Rangers 0 None Trade Information: Metalsmiths 0 None Vou need a broker with Jewelers 0 None None the appraisal skill. 0 3 Peasants 0 1 None None Food Stores: 50? Farmers 0 1 10 Seeds 10 Engineers 0 1 Fish 20? Drink 10? Trained Animals A None Plant None Other None Other Animals A 6 Swordsdwarves 0 None None None Swordmasters G None Macedwarves None Mace Lords 0 None Hannerdwarves G None Hammer Lords G None Speardwarves G None Spearmasters G None Marksdwarves None Elite Mrksdwrvs Q None Wrestlers G None Elite Wrestlers G None Re c ruit/Others G None
Dwarf Fortress □ x OlgaDmitrievna' Edtulkikrost, *''OlgaDmitrievna' Grovdstckds", expdtn ldr ’'I've been rained on. So annoying!*' She is annoyed when caught in the rain. She is a worshipper of Nethgon. I She has the appearance of somebody that is seventy-four years old and is one of the only ones of her kind. Her ears are flattened. Her head is very short. Her nose is quite long. Her very long hair is neatly combed. Her hair is tan. Her skin is tan. Her eyes are emerald. She is tough, but she is very quick to tire. 'OlgaDmitrievna' Edtulkikrost likes saltpeter, trifle pewter, red grossular, giant wolf leather, the color cardinal, war hammers, I ballista parts, giraffes for their long necks, the sound of The Mauve Chants and the sight of The Tulip of Poetry. When possible, she II prefers to consume cave dragon and lychee wine. She absolutely detests hamsters. She has a great deal of patience, very good creativity and a good kinesthetic sense, but she has quite poor focus and next to no Like others in her culture, she holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks, greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, believes that honesty I is a high ideal, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, deeply respects | those that work hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying I worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time, respects commerce, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. She personally doesn't feel strongly about the law. She dreams of creating a great work of art. She lives at a high-energy kinetic pace. She enjoys being in crowds. She is stingy with resources on projects and refuses to expend any extra effort. She takes no pleasure in her talents and appearance. She is curious and eager to learn. She is assertive. She щ can easily fall in love or develop positive sentiments. She doesn't tend to hold on to grievances. She does not have a great aesthetic sensitivity, and she is conflicted by this as she values artwork and its creation. She tends to assume the worst of two outcomes will I* be the one that comes to pass. She has a greedy streak. She prefers to present herself modestly. She is very humble. She scratches her nose when she's nervous. She needs alcohol to get through the working day. She likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather. Overall, Mosus is untroubled by unmet needs. She is not distracted after being away from people. She is not distracted after being unoccupied. She is not distracted after leading an unexciting life. She is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. She I is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. She is not distracted after a lack of decent meals. She is not distracted after being | unable to fight. She is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. She is not distracted after being unable to argue. She is not I distracted after not learning anything. She is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. She is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking. She is not distracted after being unable to make merry. She is not distracted after being unable to admire art. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. She is not distracted after being away from family. She is not distracted after being away from friends. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. She is not distracted after being ■ unable to practice a skill. She is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. She is not distracted after being unable to pray to Nethgon. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
СЕ Dwarf Fortress x _ п Uiola' Uodstinthad, ” Uiola' Soundtheaters ”, Doctor ”1 was out in the rain. That's annoying.” She is annoyed when caught in the rain. She is a worshipper of Isram Ponderedsummers. I She has the appearance of somebody that is eighty-six years old and is one of the only ones of her kind. Her quite long nose is extraordinarily broad. Her very long hair is neatly combed. Her ears are flattened. She has very low cheekbones. Her lips are very thin. Her eyelashes are extremely short. Her tan skin is wrinkled. Her emerald eyes are somewhat narrow. Her hair is black with flecks of gray. She is incredibly tough, but she is susceptible to disease and very quick to tire. 'Uiola' Uodstinthad likes malachite, trifle pewter, chrysoprase, clear glass, great horned owl bone, floodgates, bracelets, I puzzleboxes, dogs for their loyalty, snapping turtle men for their long necks and the sound of The Mellow Butterfly. When possible, she I prefers to consume black bullhead and fonio beer. She absolutely detests brown recluse spiders. She has very good focus, an ability to read emotions fairly well and willpower, but she has an iffy sense for music, poor Like others in her culture, she holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their I masterworks, has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, believes that honesty is a high ideal, greatly respects artists and their works, deeply respects those that work I hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, values martial prowess, values leisure time, respects commerce and values knowledge. She personally finds the following of tradition foolish and limiting, has a deep respect for animals, plants and the natural world* sees merrymaking as a waste and doesn't care if others take the time to master skills. She dreams of creating a great work of art. She doesn't generally think before acting. She is quick to anger. She has an active sense of humor. She can occasionally lose I focus on the matter at hand. She often feels envious of others. She is quite ambitious. When she's thinking, her body becomes very II* still. She needs alcohol to get through the working day. She likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather. Overall, Uabok is untroubled by unmet needs. She is not distracted after being away from people. She is not distracted after being unoccupied. She is not distracted after doing nothing creative. She is not distracted after leading an unexciting life. She is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. She is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. She is not distracted after a lack of decent meals. She is not distracted after being unable to fight. She is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. She is I not distracted after being unable to argue. She is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant- She is not distracted after not learning anything. She is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. She is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking. I She is not distracted after being unable to admire art. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. She is not distracted after being away from family. She is not distracted after being away from friends. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. She is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. She is not distracted after being away from animals. She is not distracted after being unable to wander. She is not distracted after being unable to pray to Isram Ponderedsummers. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
Dwarf Fortress □ CE Slavya' Zimkelzane x Slavya' Plainsrelics”, Farmer "I was out in the rain. I'm annoyed.” She is annoyed when caught in the rain. She is a dubious worshipper of Isram Ponderedsummers. I She has the appearance of somebody that is eighty-five years old and is one of the only ones of her kind. She is muscular. Her quite long nose is sharply hooked. Her very flattened short ears have great swinging lobes. Her nose bridge is convex. Her very long hair is neatly combed. Her tan skin is wrinkled. Her hair is golden yellow with a touch of gray. Her eyes are emerald. She is strong, but she is quite clumsy. 'Slavya' Zimkelzaneg likes hematite, sterling silver, fire opal, the color gold, anvils and the words of The Quiescence of I Euphoria. When possible, she prefers to consume rutherer, perch, dwarven ale and watermelons. She absolutely detests mosquitos. I She has an iron will, but she has a questionable spatial sense. Like others in her culture, she holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks, has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, deeply | respects those that work hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time, respects commerce, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat I disturbing. She personally believes that peace is always preferable to war, values tranquility and a peaceful day and does not particularly value the truth. She dreams of mastering a skill. She is prone to hatreds and often develops negative feelings. She does not have a great aesthetic sensitivity, and she is conflicted by this as she values artwork and its creation. She often feels lustful. She tends to be a little wasteful when working on projects. She is curious and eager to learn. She tries to do things correctly each time. She is not inherently proud of her talents and I accomplishments. She doesn't mind wearing something special now and again. She doesn't seek out excitement. She does not easily fall in I * love and rarely develops positive sentiments. She is trusting. She has a greedy streak. She needs alcohol to get through the working day. She likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather. Overall, Eral is untroubled by unmet needs. She is not distracted after being away from people. She is not distracted after being unoccupied. She is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. She is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. She is not distracted after a lack of decent meals. She is not distracted after being unable to fight. She is not distracted after a lack of I trouble-making. She is not distracted after being unable to argue. She is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant. She is | not distracted after not learning anything. She is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. She is not distracted after a I lack of abstract thinking. She is not distracted after being unable to make merry. She is not distracted after being unable to admire art. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. She is not distracted after being away from family. She is not distracted after being away from friends. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. She is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
Dwarf Fortress □ x ezumlumash, "'Elektronik' Mechanic "It was raining on me. How annoying!” He is annoyed when caught in the rain. He is a worshipper of Kast. I He has the appearance of somebody that is fifty-three years old and is one of the only ones of his kind. His very long sideburns are braided. His very long moustache is neatly combed. His medium-length beard is arranged in double braids. His hair is clean-shaven. His flattened ears have great swinging lobes. His broad nose is quite long. His eyelashes are extremely short. His emerald eyes are slightly sunken. His hair is gold. His skin is tan. He is almost never sick and incredibly tough, but he is quick to tire. 'Elektronik' ezumlumash likes slate, billon, violet spessartine, giant deer hoof, ramie fabric, bolts, amulets, rabbits for their II ability to burrow and the sight of The Tulip of Poetry. Mhen possible, he prefers to consume peach-faced lovebird, spelt beer and cotton seeds. He absolutely detests cave spiders. He has a great musical sense, a sharp intellect and a good spatial sense, but he has poor creativity. Like others in his culture, he holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks, has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, believes that honesty is a high I ideal, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, deeply respects those that | work hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile I activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. He personally finds those that engage in trade and commerce to be fairly disgusting, sees guile and cunning as indirect and somewhat worthless and does not care about friendship. He is interested only in facts and the real world. He eschews practical concerns for philosophical discussion, puzzles, riddles щ and the world of ideas. He only rarely feels strong cravings or urges. He is grateful when others help him out and tries to return favors. He enjoys the company of others. He tends to be a little wasteful when working on projects. He tends not to reveal personal I® information. He is quick to form negative views about things. He talks to himself when he's annoyed. He needs alcohol to get through the working day. He likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather. Overall, onul is untroubled by unmet needs. He is not distracted after being away from people. He is not distracted after being unoccupied. He is not distracted after doing nothing creative. He is not distracted after leading an unexciting life. He is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. He is not distracted after being unable to fight. He is not distracted after a lack I of trouble-making. He is not distracted after being unable to argue. He is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant- He is | not distracted after not learning anything- He is not distracted after being unable to help anybody- He is not distracted after a lack I of abstract thinking- He is not distracted after being unable to make merry. He is not distracted after being unable to admire art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. He is not distracted after being away from family- He is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. He is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. He is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to Kast. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
Dwarf Fortress □ x Miku' Shodukfikod. "'Mika' Diueglazes", Peasant ”1 was out in the rain. That's annoying. She is annoyed when caught in the rain. She is a faithful worshipper of Kast. I She has the appearance of somebody that is fifty-four years old and is one of the only ones of her kind. Her very long hair is arranged in double braids. Her flattened short ears have great swinging lobes. She has very low cheekbones. Her nose is quite long. Her hair is gold. Her skin is tan. Her eyes are emerald. She is very slow to tire, but she is slow to heal and flimsy. 'Miku' Shodukfikod likes sphalerite, copper, citrine, the color amethyst, high boots, flying squirrels for their large eyes and I the words of The Justice of Dawn. When possible, she prefers to consume bat ray, rhubarbs, rambutan wine and flax flour. She absolutely II detests mussels. She has a great musical sense, good creativity, a good kinesthetic sense and the ability to focus, but she has a meager ability Like others in her culture, she holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks, has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, | greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, deeply respects those that work | hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, I values leisure time, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. She personally believes the truth is inviolable regardless of the cost, is put off by family, is somewhat put off by trade and commerce and does not really value skills related to fighting- She dreams of crafting a masterwork someday. She often feels filled with joy. She likes to present herself boldly, even if it would offend an average sense of modesty. She is щ often nervous. She lives a fast-paced life. She often feels envious of others. She doesn't tend to hold on to grievances. She has an active imagination. She occasionally overindulges. She is quick to form negative views about things. She tends to form only tenuous I® emotional bonds with others. She doesn't mind a little tumult and discord in day-to-day living. She tends to consider what others think of her. She always scratches her head when she's trying to remember something. Her hands move frantically when she's trying to remember something. She needs alcohol to get through the working day. She likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather. Overall, Uucar is untroubled by unmet needs. She is not distracted after being away from people. She is not distracted after being unoccupied- She is not distracted after doing nothing creative. She is not distracted after leading an unexciting life. She is not I distracted after being unable to acquire something. She is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. She is not distracted after a lack of decent meals. She is not distracted after being unable to fight. She is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. She is I not distracted after being unable to argue. She is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant- She is not distracted after not learning anything. She is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. She is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking. She is not distracted after being unable to make merry. She is not distracted after being unable to admire art. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. She is not distracted after being away from friends. She is not distracted after being unable ■ to practice a skill. She is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. She is not distracted after being unable to pray to Kast. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
Dwarf Fortress □ x Tior' Rathfeb, ”'Tior' Templearrow", Miner ’'I've been rained on. So annoying!*' He is annoyed when caught in the rain. He is a dubious worshipper of The Love of Tenderness. He has the appearance of somebody that is eighty-one years old and is one of the only ones of his kind. His flattened ears have great swinging lobes. His quite long nose is broad. He has very low cheekbones. His head is somewhat short. His tan skin is slightly wrinkled. His hair is amber with a touch of gray. His medium-length sideburns are neatly combed. His long moustache is arranged in double braids. His medium-length beard is braided. His short hair is neatly combed. His eyes are emerald. He is incredibly tough, but he is very weak. 'Tior' Rathfeb likes stibnite, rose gold, cherry opal, the color cerulean, gems, tables, rings, buckets, rabbits for their ears and the sound of The Mellow Butterfly. When possible, he prefers to consume perch and kaniwa beer. He absolutely detests toads. He has a sharp intellect and a good memory, but he has poor focus. Like others in his culture, he holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks, has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, believes that honesty is a high ideal, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, deeply respects those that work hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time, respects commerce, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. He dreams of crafting a masterwork someday. He has an incredibly calm demeanor. He finds the humor in most situations. He feels strong urges and seeks short-term rewards. He tries to do things correctly each time. He does not easily hate or develop negative feelings. He likes to brawl. He does not often feel lustful. He doesn't handle stress well. He is trusting. He doesn't seek out excitement. He enjoys the company of others. He has a greedy streak. He can easily fall in love or develop positive sentiments. He generally acts with a narrow focus on the current activity. He is curious and eager to learn. When he's thinking hard, he has a habit of licking his lips. He needs alcohol to get through the working day. He likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather. Overall, Sibrek is untroubled by unmet needs. He is not distracted after being away from people. He is not distracted after being unoccupied. He is not distracted after doing nothing creative. He is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. He is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. He is not distracted after a lack of decent meals. He is not distracted after being unable to fight. He is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. He is not distracted after being unable to argue. He is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant. He is not distracted after not learning anything. He is not distracted after being unable to help anybody- He is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking- He is not distracted after being unable to make merry. He is not distracted after being unable to admire art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. He is not distracted after being away from family. He is not distracted after being away from friends. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. He is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
''I've been rained on. How annoying?'' He is annoyed when caught in the rain. He is a worshipper of Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling. I He has the appearance of somebody that is sixty-seven years old and is one of the only ones of his kind. His very long sideburns are neatly combed. His very long moustache is neatly combed. His very long beard is neatly combed. His very long hair is neatly combed. His somewhat short ears are flattened. His emerald eyes are wide-set. His nose is somewhat long. His eyelashes are short. His nose bridge is somewhat concave. His hair is black. His skin is tan. He is quick to heal. 'LordOfD0TA2' amidtekkud likes gypsum, bismuth bronze, red diamond, cedar wood, giant anole bone, crescents, bucklers, blood gnats IIИ for their thirst for blood, the words of The Quiescence of Euphoria and the sight of The Tulip of Poetry. When possible, he prefers to consume pig cheese and whip wine. He absolutely detests leeches. He has great analytical abilities, a great ability to focus, very good creativity and a very good feel for social relationships. Like others in his culture, he holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their I masterworks, has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, sees friendship as one of the | finer things in life, believes that honesty is a high ideal, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take I the time to master a skill, deeply respects those that work hard at their labors, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, respects commerce, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. He personally finds moderation and self-control to be very important, sees life as unfair and doesn't mind it that way and finds leisure time wasteful. He dreams of raising a family. He is extremely confident of himself in situations requiring his skills. He is unfriendly and disagreeable, and he is bothered by this since he values friendship. He only rarely feels strong cravings or urges. He is not careful with resources when working on Iй projects and often spends unnecessary effort. He doesn't mind wearing something special now and again. He takes offered help and gifts without feeling particularly grateful. He tends not to reveal personal information. He does not go out of his way to help others. He tends to hang on to grievances. He tends to ask others for help with difficult decisions. He doesn't cling tightly to ideas and is open to changing his mind. He begins to talk in a monotone when he is bored. When he is speaking, he usually lowers his eyes. He laughs loudly when he's excited. He needs alcohol to get through the working day. He likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather. Overall, Ral is untroubled by unmet needs. He is not distracted after being away from people. He is not distracted after being I unoccupied. He is not distracted after doing nothing creative. He is not distracted after leading an unexciting life. He is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. He is not distracted after being unable to fight. He is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. He is not distracted after being unable to argue. He is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant. He is not distracted after not learning anything. He is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking- He is not distracted after being I unable to make merry. He is not distracted after being unable to admire art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. He is not distracted after being away from family. He is not distracted after being away from friends. He is not distracted I after being unable to practice a martial art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. He is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
Бесконечное лето,Ru VN,Русскоязычные визуальные новеллы,Отечественные визуальные новеллы,Визуальные новеллы,фэндомы,Dwarf Fortress,Игры,Коллективное творчество(БЛ),Игры peregarrett(БЛ)
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я так понимаю, что приходящих уже нельзя будет "сконструировать" и придётся довольствоваться теми навыками, что есть?
Bernad Bernad 27.09.201611:10 ответить ссылка 0.4
Да. Я буду постить описания приходящих, а вы выбирайте.
Навыки можно переназначать, они довольно быстро прокачиваются от работы, физические характеристики - силу, ловкость и тд - тоже можно натренировать, а вот внешность и характер практически не меняются.
Так даже лучше, ибо все что я мог бы придумать "лоботряс, ничего не умеющий, но за всем следящий"
тогда реквестирую врача-дровосека ))
Bernad Bernad 27.09.201617:02 ответить ссылка 0.0
Шта это?
тут еще забыли написать, что после потных игор в ДФ можно изи читать потоки Матрицы.
Bernad Bernad 27.09.201617:01 ответить ссылка 0.0
Как это связано в Костром?
Ну как бы начиналось все на костре, и продолжаться будет там же.
Если у нас есть тег "коллективные игры" - то можно на него заменить
а, есть "коллективное творчество". Поставь его вместо костра, плз.
Хотя да, надо бы к скриншотам поясняющие картиночки нарисовать.
Итак, небольшой ликбез.
Это - ровная площадка, на которой остановился наш автобус 410 фургон с припасами - коричневый квадратик 3х3 в центре.
Вокруг него шляются без дела дворфы - вот эти улыбающиеся рожицы. Цвет зависит от профессии - фермеры, например, коричневые, рыбаки - синие, инженеры - красные, фиолетовые - всяческая администрация.
Еще вокруг растут деревья - на этом этаже только голые стволы, листья и ветки на этаже выше.
Слева холм, также поросший деревьями, кое-где стены осыпались и видна глина. Глина - это хорошо, мы из нее будем делать кирпичи.
В определенный момент мы можем видеть только один этаж, любой на выбор - это если не брать в рассмотрение всякие сторонние визуализаторы, которые все равно пока с новой версией не работают.
	9		9 к	9		т	X			
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Это - юго-западный угол карты, где идет склон вниз - тоже, как ни странно, поросший всякими деревьями.
Деревья можно рубить и использовать древесину как стройматериал, с плодовых деревьев можно собирать фрукты (и варить бухло, дада).
В траве и на кустах можно найти съедобные растения (из которых тоже можно варить бухло, дада). Еще траву жрут домашние животные.
И как сказал камрад выше - когда поиграешь несколько часов в это - уже видишь не крестики-нолики, а бегающих дворфов, стены, двери, окна, и так далее.

мюк &
щ	•УШ
* У г У г} г)	
о,,тт		жвш
Красным по зелёному >_
И вообще, чой это Мику крестьянка без навыков?
У нее навыки в музыке и танцах. Построим ей музыкальный клуб - будет постоянно там представления устраивать. А пока занимается гончарным делом.
А вообще надо бы всё таки собраться и пройти римворлд, а то как-то я подзабил на это дело.
DeaDRaTT DeaDRaTT 27.09.201620:58 ответить ссылка 0.0
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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Игры peregarrett(БЛ) Визуальные новеллы фэндомы Dwarf Fortress Игры Бесконечное лето Ru VN,Русскоязычные визуальные новеллы,Отечественные визуальные новеллы

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